
Showing posts from January, 2022

Certified Filthy!

  Certified Filthy. It was roughly 2016 when I first heard of a small business called "Filthy Anglers." I was deep into a fishing addiction that I couldn't seem to shake. The market was being inundated with small businesses looking to cash in on an explosion in the market that was previously occupied by retirees and grandpas. Largemouth Bass Fishing. I was devouring any information I could find and, quite possibly, spending irresponsibly on startups that claimed to have the next big thing. However, Filthy Anglers was different. It was being marketed as a grass roots business working to bring like-minded individuals together under their banner. The "filthy flag" if you will... People wanted in. They were looking for a sense of community. They didn't want to be alone in the sport or hobby that often left you alone for hours at a time. Filthy Anglers was taking social media by storm. It has grown exponentially since the days when you could PayPal someone for on...

Digital Resident Aliens? Bridging the Divide between Natives and Immigrants

  Throwback:  Its December 31, 1983 at 11:59pm and a little boy is born into the world. We will call him "John." He will come to be known as a "Digital Immigrant." According to some, he will be a relic of the past, unable to keep up with the growth of his precious paperback and chalkboard world.  Fast Forward (Just a minute or two): Its January 1, 1984 at 12:01am and a little boy is born into the world. We will call him "Neo." He will come to be known as a "Digital Native." He will be a boy steeped in emerging technology, rapid communication and a robust explosion of machine capabilities. Sorry, John. 


It was truly happenstance that I was present for this event. Some work commitments fell through and I had traveled with a group of friends from the Washington DC area for a weekend of fun in Savannah, Georgia. We would all take part in a celebration of St. Patrick's Day in a city known for putting on one heck of a party. It would start with 12 grueling hours participating in a GoRuck endurance fitness event and then would roll into a long weekend of drinking too much, remembering too little and enjoying the beautiful setting of downtown Savannah with its fountain dyed green, The event started at 10pm and it wasn't long after that I noticed a high spirited, beautiful girl bouncing around with far more energy than anyone should outside of their formal toddler years. I paid little mind outside of stealing the occasional glance. I was mentally preparing for the event and she had commenced to actively pursuing me for a reason I will never understand, but forever be thankful for. The...

Oversharing Online: Too much for too many

    Social Media has proven itself as a leader in the effort to keep a high-speed world connected. However, not all platforms or networks are the same and they most certainly serve different purposes. A shining example on how different two platforms may be can be found in a comparison of Facebook and LinkedIn. While Facebook markets itself as a way to keep friends connected and engaged in one another's life, LinkedIn is business focused and works hard to provide a professional platform free of the messy personal information so frequently released onto Facebook. Facebook encourages a broad and vast network of friends which further proliferates their messaging. LinkedIn takes a much less forceful approach as it encourages connections with like-minded people or businesses who have a vested interest in your skills or talents. Rather than focusing on large numbers of friends, LinkedIn takes it one step further and encourages less connections but more quality ones that can validate...

About Me: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

  Hello and Welcome! This blog is an interesting way to start a class. Typically, I am used to the standard forum posts that remain tucked quietly behind the Oregon State lock and key. But, here I am for the world to see. Bring it on internet creepers! :) I am originally from Titusville, Florida. We were famous for absolutely nothing except a little thing called the Space Program and NASA. I grew up feeling the walls shake as we sent countless space shuttles on various missions into the deep dark void of space. That seems like a lifetime ago now. I am soon-to-be 34 and currently live in Eastern North Carolina. I have spent the last sixteen years of my life on Active Duty in the Marine Corps. I am a Signals Intelligence Communicator by trade and have spent many of those years working in various capacities furthering the cyber defense/offense capabilities of the Marine Corps.  Despite being a part of a very unique and challenging field, I am nearing the twenty-year retirement ma...